Pets of the Homeless

Published on 18 February 2025 at 01:25

Speaking of Homelessness from my last blog I thought it might be a good time to talk about the homeless and their pets. Well, over ten years ago people argued that if a person couldn’t take care of themselves then they weren’t seen fit to care for someone else… not even a pet. Well, it's 2025 and if you're like me then you know resources out there are endless if you search for and utilize them.

I have six dogs! Yes, SIX… and they drive me crazy! I probably sound crazy screaming sometimes. However, whenever someone asks me why? The answer is simple… I owe them my sanity. You see, for homeless people a dog or even a cat can be the only thing keeping them going every day. Their pet could be their only incentive to wake up every morning and get out of bed. Put the companionship aside for a moment, although that’s a major factor too but understand the severity of the situation. Homeless pets are the denominator between the homeless and depression, isolation, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts. It’s a lot easier to push through the day knowing that someone is solely depending on you, wholeheartedly loves you, and not only is continuously by your side but loves being by your side every second of every day, if they could be. My dogs are small terrier mixes and the tiniest is a Maltese terrier mix she’s no more than 4 or 5 lbs. One of my dogs would undoubtedly give his life protecting me and another won’t let another soul in the world touch him, only me. The mere thought of adopting them out or abandoning the responsibility that I took on when I took each one in as a puppy makes me want to cry. The thought of them being scared or confused and wondering where I am. I think one or two of them would die of heartbreak and I am not joking. The rest would be just fine with a bowl of food and some love lol

Homeless people have codependency on their pets because they depend on these animals to keep fighting and surviving. Life on the streets isn’t easy and sometimes giving up seems like a way out. I know so many people that are so devoted to their dogs that the dogs are the reason that they remain on the streets. For example, myself… Who is going to accept someone for housing with six dogs? In California, it’s only legal to own 3 dogs! Shhhh! J.K. Law enforcement is already aware… well animal law enforcement. Thanks to organizations like East Bay SPCA and Pets of the Homeless there are resources and opportunities to get your pet their food, spayed or neutered, vaccinations, microchips, and so much more. My oldest dog Loki "the dog God of mischief and mayhem" was hit by a car, and his leg was split down the middle. At the time I wasn’t home, and a friend was watching my dogs. At the time I only had 2. When I got home Loki came to greet me and he was standing there wagging his tail. Then I noticed the blood and saw his leg I freaked out and had no idea what to do. I was homeless and there was no way I could cover vet bills. I went on a whim and hopped online, I emailed someone at random from pets of the homeless, I explained my situation and sent them some pictures of Loki’s leg and within minutes I received a response with instructions. I had to prove my financial situation, have a couple of people call some other people, wait for an okay and make it to the East Bay SPCA within an hour before they closed. Needless to say, I was able to pick Loki up the next day and take him every two days for bandage changes while his leg naturally fused back together on its own, thank God it did, or it would have had to be amputated. He made a full recovery, and you would never know today. Loki never once gave me a hard time or even cried during the entire ordeal. When Pets of the Homeless tapped out of what they could cover from Loki’s vet bills The East Bay SPCA covered the rest and I am forever grateful. To this day I can still shoot over an email for flea meds or food and their human resource manager is always glad to lend a helping hand. They also hold a food pantry once a month -check my resource page for more info Homelessness Awareness. They are the reason my dogs are all fixed, vaccinated, microchipped, flea free, and thriving.

Homeless people and generous organizations like these love animals and take good care of them. Dogs offer socialization to people that society has for some reason outcasted. Where other people are quick to judge and stereotype, animals are not and love their human companions for who they are not what they have. A dog will follow their owner to the end of the world and back without any hesitation or doubt. The homeless will feed their dogs before themselves and sleep in the cold before they abandon their dog to sleep in a warm bed. I am all my dogs have and I wouldn’t let any harm come to them, just like they would die protecting me I would go to any length to protect them. Like I said I owe them my sanity, they keep grounded, responsible, and pushing because feeding 6 dogs is not easy, even if they are small. Just remember that the next time you come across a pet of the homeless. In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

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