Giving Back for the Holidays

Published on 12 February 2025 at 04:39

So recently I stated volunteering for Taproots, an organization that matches nonprofits to volunteers. I came across “A Chance for Success Newspaper” and their mission is awesome. They’re basically providing employment for homeless individuals and reentries so that they stand a fighting chance to get out of a never-ending cycle. So, with the holidays coming up I got inspired to write a blog for gift ideas for those in need!

Bless your soul if you’ve ever gone out and passed out hot meals to the homeless or items in hygiene kits. If you have ever donated clothes or volunteered at a shelter. Even if you periodically give your spare change to those in need. From the smallest gesture to the grandest I’m sure there is a special place in heaven for you all, and the world needs more people like you! What about those of you who have always had the idea to make small care packs or pass out something to the less fortunate but didn’t know what items to purchase or hand out? I know firsthand some of the necessities that are needed out on the streets that might not cross everyone’s mind because I've been a part of this community.


  • SOCKS, SOCKS, SOCKS! You have no idea how important socks are until you’re homeless and don’t have any. People have offered to pay me $5 for one pair of socks. Try walking around all day with no socks on. The moisture and friction can do some damage to your feet and if you have diabetes, like a lot of the elderly people out there, not taking care of your feet can lead to some serious health issues. A small Leisure can lead to gangrene and that can lead to loss of limbs. While this may sound a little dramatic for those that take something as simple as socks for granted, for people on the streets… it’s a realistic probability.

  • Throw BLANKETS! Especially during the winter and rainy seasons! It gets cold out there…. And now that I think about it, packs of hand warmers that a lot of warehouses carry could really come in handy

  • Flashlights! Or candles are cheaper, but they carry the risk of starting a fire if left unattended. Either way light is so necessary at night and being stuck without it is the worst

  • Pet Food! For the most part dog food but there are a couple of street cats out there in tents! Most homeless people I know would feed their pets before themselves because for homeless individuals their pets are so much more to them than just a cat or dog. They’re loyal companions and at best family, they are extra security, a reason to get out of bed every day, they make it easier to sleep at night, they keep you warm, and for me… I owe my 6 dogs my sanity… They keep me grounded, responsible, and pushing forward and if it wasn’t for them, I don’t know that I would be where I am today. It’s that serious! So, think about that before you deny someone a bed at a shelter because they have a dog or before you assume a pet is starving just because their owners are homeless. The pound is NOT a better home for a dog. My dogs are microchipped, vaccinated, spayed, neutered, happy, healthy, and chunky! Thanks to organizations like Pets of the Homeless and East Bay SPCA. Homeless people love their pets because they’re the difference between giving up or remembering you have someone depending on you and that furry little guy is worth living for. Chances are the owner is hungrier than the dog! FACTS!



  • Baby Wipes are everything when you are homeless

  • Nonperishable food because food isn’t easy to store or keep fresh for too long on the streets. Not to mention rodents and insects

  • If you have some extra time on your hands during the summer handing out individual cups of ice would be AMAZING! Especially on scorching hot days… You will be seen as heaven-sent! Trust me!

  • Umbrellas during the rainy season. I have like 5 laying around that I don’t need so I should take my own advice on this one.

  • Small notebooks and pens: You’d be surprised how often you find yourself needing these two simple objects we take for granted. You’d also be surprised at how many talented artists are out there or writers!

  • Batteries

  • If you’re more fortunate and can splurge and want to do something nice for a couple of homeless individuals anything solar-powered is so convenient. Having a light or portable charger that’s solar-powered can make all the difference!

  • So, I understand that people don’t like giving out cash to the homeless because they assume they’ll spend it on drugs or whatnot but what about gift cards? So, they can purchase a shirt or some socks themselves?

  • A Smile. Small talk, a hug, a handshake! Being kind is free!




Here is another idea for during the holidays that the entire family can join in on for some quality time! Sit down with your kids or a group of friends and make/decorate Christmas cookies or ornaments! Or grab some boxes of candy canes and Christmas cards. Write a nice quote inside and attach a list of resources.


  • Local Food Banks

  • Places that offer free showers

  • Clothes Vouchers

  • List of shelters or emergency housing

  • Free Clinics


Everyone needs some holiday cheer and who better to spread some joy to than individuals that don’t have family or a place to visit for the holidays? It’s a great project for the family and a great lesson for children in empathy and compassion. You’ll bring a bit of joy to some people that may really be in need of it. It reminds us all that there are still good people in the world.


I hope that I’ve inspired some initiative to get up, get out, and do some good, and always remember in a world where you can be anything, why not be Kind? Happy Holidays!

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