What is Evolution?
According to the dictionary
1. The way in which living things change and develop over millions of years: and
2. A gradual process of change and development:

Keep in mind there’s biological human evolution, adaptation, natural selection, and technological evolution.
So, when referring to human evolution... Where did humans come from and where are they going?
Human beings have come a long way since the Stone Age, from learning to make tools out of stones, creating fire, and learning to communicate with language to the new millennium and wireless internet, Alexa, holographic Tupac, and self-driving cars. What’s next? Flying cars? Or one of these ideas in Cult’s blog “Techs Next Big Thing”
I had a conversation with my parents about Evolution and AI and obviously, there has been talk about AI becoming more intelligent than humans and ending humanity. I might not believe this per se, NY Post said it best “The fear of AI taking over has developed from the idea that machines will somehow gain consciousness and turn on their creators. In order for AI to achieve this, it would not only need to possess human-like intelligence, but it would also need to be able to predict the future or plan ahead.”
However, AI is taking jobs from copywriters and is on the rise to taking even more jobs, able to do more daily tasks. My parents were saying something about being able to walk into a store to pick out a baby and us forgetting how to naturally reproduce. Which I found a bit scary because that would lead to our extinction. The only way to evolve as a species is to continue reproducing and producing a diverse group of offspring, that reproduces more offspring, and so on for generations and God did say man will destroy himself.
This brings me to my next point, the more we advance into the future and the more consumed we become with technology, material things, money, and everything else made by man we forget what’s really important. Our happiness, our health, our loved ones, the planet, finding our purpose, and moral responsibility. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to advance, make life more conformable, and have nice things but don’t forget to stop and smell the flowers, don’t forget to spend time with your family, don’t forget to do what makes your heart happy. Don’t forget to take a walk on the beach and appreciate nature. Don’t let Ai, your job, your responsibilities, or any other invention or distraction take you away from yourself or your purpose. Finally, I read this interesting idea on marca.com about humans having thicker skulls but smaller brains in the year 3000.
Get Rest
Stop worrying
Be kind
Eat Good
Get a puppy
Do your best
Find your purpose
Dance and Sing
Call your loved ones
work hard play harder
Learn and Teach
Love and be
Give back
Appreciate Nature
Technology in some ways hasn’t made us progress but some people would argue it’s taken us 2 steps back. We’ve grown too dependent on the internet, Google, and maps, and some people would be lost without a smartphone. Has technology made us dumber? The human race is the biggest threat to the planet but why is that? With all of our advanced technology and great ideas, with skills and abilities to create airplanes, self-driving cars, and cures for cancers how is it possible we forgot to do all of this responsibly? Selfishness, carelessness, irresponsibility, greed? How is it that we can pass hungry people in the street? Throw a box of kittens on the street? Forget to water the very plants that create the oxygen you breathe. The biggest lesson I’ve learned in life so far is “THE ONLY MOMENT THAT MATTERS IS THIS VERY MOMENT RIGHT NOW, THE PRESENT MOMENT. THE ONLY MOMENT THAT IS REAL IS THIS VERY MOMENT RIGHT NOW, THE PRESENT MOMENT. NOT 5 MINUTES AGO AND NOT 1 HOUR FROM NOW. Be in the present moment, don’t dwell on yesterday’s pain or worry about tomorrow's problems. After you turn 18-time flies and with each year the time flies faster. Don’t forget to live, to love yourself, to accept things for what they are, to stop worrying and stressing about things that have already happened or haven’t happened yet.
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