What is mindset, and why is it essential for success? Mindset is like our perception of the world, our environment, ourselves, and others. It's how we view our circumstances and how we respond to them. Two different kinds of mindsets are a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. Someone with a fixed mindset has minimal potential for growth; they believe that their potential ends with the skills and quality of those skills that they currently have. Individuals with a fixed mindset will often not try new things; they radiate negative energy and don't see the point of improving their skill sets because they don't feel they can. On the other hand, someone with a growth mindset sees failures and challenges as opportunities to learn and improve. They will embrace new things, try new things, face their fears, and never give up.

A fixed or a growth mindset can mean the difference between success and failure. However, the truth people fail to realize is that how we view the world now can change for the better. We tend to be our own worst enemies; we cause the "roadblocks and barriers" that keep us from reaching our potential and meeting our goals or setting them in the first place. Self-doubt, insecurities, childhood trauma, fears, failure, pride, judgment, depression, lack of skills or knowledge, and financial struggles are just some of the reasons we remain in this debilitating mindset.
Every single one of us has potential. Maybe someone told you that you didn't; perhaps they called you stupid and said it so many times that you believed it. Verbal abuse from parents to children is often carried into adolescence and adulthood. Repeatedly being told you are ugly, fat, or stupid by someone that you emotionally care for can become something we learn to believe about ourselves. Often, this is called projection. We aren't ready to reflect on ourselves, so we project our insecurities onto others. Have you ever dated someone who always accuses you of lying even though you're not a liar? People who lie a lot believe that everyone else lies as much as they do. How people talk to and about others is a good indication of how they feel about themselves. So a piece of advice is, don't take what people tell you about yourself so personally; ugly things people say usually have nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. There isn't much anyone can say about you; you know yourself best, after all.
Back on the subject, you can change your mindset if it isn't in a state to help you grow and improve. You can change your situation; you have everything you need to be where you want to be. All of those barriers I mentioned earlier are just that, barriers. Barriers can be moved out of the way, climbed over, under, and if you look hard enough, there's always a way around them. The onl`y one capable of holding you back is you. I can't promise that the journey will be easy; it will likely take time, sweat, blood, tears, and a lot of hard work. You'll have days you want to quit, mistakes and failures to learn from, and your progress may be slow, but I guarantee that if you don't give up, you will get whatever it is you're after.

Mindset matters; it's essential to success, mental health, and overall life. Your mind is powerful beyond measure. Read this article on the placebo effect here. In summary, our thoughts and mindset can affect us not only mentally and emotionally but also physically. We can literally think ourselves sick, and we have the ability to heal ourselves with our thoughts. It may sound crazy or impossible, but it isn't, and having the life you want is easier than you think. I'll dive into skills, exercises, and resources to help begin building or changing your mindset in future blogs. For now, consider if you're willing and capable of
Building your self-confidence
Being a go-getter
Facing your fears
being optimistic and seeing the positivity in things.
being empathetic
Being productive
Not being bothered by what others think
Standing for what you believe in.
Breaking bad habits with good habits
Being resourceful
Setting goals and meeting them
Stepping out of your comfort zone
Seeking support
trying new things
taking accountability and becoming self-aware
getting in touch with nature
giving back to the community
Practicing gratitude
Practicing mindfulness and being in the present moment
learning about spirituality
Look out for future blogs where I help you improve in every way, shape, and form. I promise you can have the life you want if you work hard and stay consistent.
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